

Binary Indexed Tree, Segment Tree

10 Dec 2016

Binary Indexed Tree

Suppose there is an array, how to get the sum of some interval of the array?

Basic idea of BIT is to introduce a helper array, say, BIT[], when we update BIT[i], we also update BIT[j], where j=i+(lowerbit of i). For example, when we update BIT[3], we also need to update BIT[4] (since 4=(11)2+1), then update BIT[8] (since 8=(100)2+(100)2)

Suppose the array is {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} (index is 1-based), we update the BIT array step by step:

Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
array 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
BIT 1 1   1       1 (update BIT[1])
  1 3   3       3 (update BIT[2])
  1 3 3 6       6 (update BIT[3])
  1 3 3 10       10 (update BIT[4])
  1 3 3 10 5 5   15 (update BIT[5])
  1 3 3 10 5 11   21 (update BIT[6])
  1 3 3 10 5 11 7 28 (update BIT[7])
  1 3 3 10 5 11 7 36 (update BIT[8])

so if we want sum(1..7), it equals BIT[7] (which is array[7]) + BIT[6] (which is array[6]+array[5]) + BIT[4] (which is array[1]+array[2]+array[3]+array[4])


	int sum(int index)
			int ret = 0;
			while (index>0 && index<nums.size())
					ret += nums[index];
					index -= index&(-index);
			return ret;

	void update(int index, int value)
			while (index<nums.size())
				nums[index] += value;
				index += index&(-index);



Segment Tree

Usage 1: given an array, how to get the sum of some interval of the array?

Usage 2: given an array, how to get the minimum/maximum value of some interval of the array?

The basic idea of segment tree is to introduce a binary tree, where the leaves are the elements of the input array, the internal non-leave nodes represents some merging of the children nodes (sum/min/max), depending on the problem to be solve.

We can use a helper array to represent the binary tree above (just like heap).


See the Reference part


